
Golden Week

I had nine straight holidays in 'Golden Week' this year.
During Golden Week,I enjoyed lot.

First,I practice playing tennis.
I will play the tennis game with my friends next Saturday.
If I lose,rivals call me "Empty man".So,I have to win the game!

Second,I ate delicious pasta.
"Ghiottone" is good and low-priced Italian restaurant.
It is located at near Ikebukuro-station's west exit.
I will go there one of these days.

Third,I watched movies "Spider-Man1,2,3","Letters from Iwo Jima" and more.
The most impressive movie is
At the movie,I studied "It is the most difficult and important to forgive myself".
I will remember the word forever.


Spider-Man 3

Yesterday,I watched the movie "Spider-Man 3".
I lile the series movie.
Because,it isn't simple action movie.

I think the movie's main theme is "With great power comes great responsibility".It is said uncle Ben in 1st movie.
Everybody wants greate power.But if I have great power,I can use the power rightly?
There are many thing watcher have to think in this movies like this.

My favorite word in the movie is "You will start the most difficult thing.Forgive yourself.".
I think it's important.
So,I will found the problem of mine and forgive myself.And I forgive the others.